Crisis Hotline

If you or someone you know is in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, please call
Reaching out with technology

For teens. Call now for free.
Texting in a Crisis:
DBSA National
Rockland County DBSA Support Group
Chapter Guidelines (1/13/2022)
1. This is a safe place. We encourage participation while respecting each other's confidentiality. What is said in this room stays in this room. We treat each other with respect and kindness, and show compassion.
2. Share the air: Anyone who wishes to share has the opportunity to do so. No one person should monopolize group time. Everyone needs to have the opportunity to share during the meeting.
3. lt is OK not to share. People do not have to share if they do not wish to do so.
4. One person speaks at a time. Each person should be allowed to speak free from interruption and side conversations.
5. Use the 'l' language. Because we do not participate in support groups as credentialed professionals, we do not advise. We do, however, share from our own personal experiences. We are unique individuals, and only we know what is best for our own health, taking into consideration our doctor/health care professional's recommendations.
6. We are all equal; we accept cultural, linguistic, social and racial differences, and promote their acceptance.
7. Although we are willing to discuss the emotional aspects of taking medication for the treatment of our disorder(s) (i.e.: frustration, dealing with side effects, etc.) We do not prescribe or diagnose and prefer attendees bring these issues up with their prescribing physicians.
8. This is not a place to diagnose or substitute for professional care. lt is expected that all Mood Disorder attendees receive treatment and therapy from appropriate health care professional(s).
9. We are responsible for our own experience in the group. Any constructive feedback regarding enhancing the group's effectiveness should be brought to the attention of a Facilitator or Board member. In this way we can work together to change, fix and improve our group experience.
10. It is up to the Board’s discretion to ask any anyone to leave who does not observe these guidelines.
Guidelines for Zoom Meetings
1. Due to confidentiality, please find a private place to join the online meeting.
2. Please dress appropriately and find a space where you can sit. Also, refrain from eating, smoking, etc. on screen.
3. Be mindful of any background noise that may disturb the group meeting such as TVs, radios, or cell phones. The Mute button on the lower left side of your screen.